
Sunday Services are at 11am & 6pm in Maryburgh.  

Sunday School and Crèche are held during the 11am service.  After the minister gives the kids talk, they leave for Sunday School.

Tea/coffee is served after the morning service.  This is a great time to catch up and fellowship.    

Wednesday prayer meeting is at 7.30pm

Throughout the year, various informal prayer groups and Bible studies are held. 

Sunday services - live on our YouTube channel

Our morning service is broadcast on our YouTube Channel. The service will go live here each week approx 10-15 minutes before each service.


We believe that there is only one God and that one God is three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

Secondly, we believe that Jesus Christ was and is the eternal Son of God, who became a man to die for sinners and rose to life on the third day, to save all who repent of their sins and put their trust in him. We also believe he is coming back to raise the dead and judge the world. 

Thirdly, we believe the Bible to be the inspired and infallible word of God and relevant for all people in every age. 


Our Mission is to love and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord.  It is our desire to fulfil Christ’s great commission in Matthew 28:19.   We want to be, and make disciples for the glory of God. 


We want to be a church:

  • Who are comprised of every age and from every background 
  • Who love God with all our heart and our neighbour as ourselves 
  • Who do the works of Jesus 
  • Who make Jesus Christ known and where he is known

Stay Connected

Our Mission is to love and proclaim Jesus Christ as Lord. It is our desire to fulfil Christ’s great commission in Matthew 28:19.
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